Nexus Implementation: Potential and Opportunities

This two-day online workshop, organized by United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), SustainFood, NexusNet, PRIMA, and GIZ, advances technical and policy-oriented research skills related to nexus topics. Through 20 sessions with expert speakers, including from the CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains, participants will gain valuable insights and practical guidelines for effectively integrating nexus approaches into their case studies – strengthening their research’s impact and rigor. The sessions cover:
- A selection of case studies: The workshop will explore methodologies for the selection and design of case studies pertinent to nexus research on different environmental resources, including water, energy, food, climate, ecosystems, soil, material, and space.
- Data integration: The session will address the complexities of accessing and integrating data from diverse sources to enhance the robustness of research outcomes.
- Stakeholder involvement: Participants will discuss criteria for the selection and commitment of stakeholders to ensure meaningful and impactful research collaborations.
- Application of practical tools: The workshop will evaluate the use of practical tools and knowledge derived from real-world applications to strengthen case study research.
- Assist. Prof Giannis Adamos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Prof Alexey Alekseenko, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Dr Muzna Alvi, International Food Policy Research Institute, Delhi
- Ghada Amin, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Dr Saroj Kumar Chapagain, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Admore Chiumia, Innovator Speaker Green Impact Technology, Malawi
- Prof Serena Coetzee, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Dr Bassel Daher, Texas A&M University, United States
- Prof Edeltraud Günther, Director UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Prof Michael Jacobson, SustainFood, Penn State University, Pennsylvania, United States
- Dr Riina Jalonen, Alliance of Bioversity international and CIAT
- Prof Daniel Karthe, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Sabina Khan, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
- Dr Dimitris Kofinas, University of Thessaly, Greece
- Robert Kranefeld, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), Bonn, Germany
- Prof Chrysi Laspidou, NexusNet, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
- Acacia Leakey, Innovator Speaker Turkana Basin Institute, Kenya
- Taha Loghmani, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Dr Mir Matin, UNU-INWEH, Richmond Hill, Canada
- Caro Mooren, KWR Water Research Institute, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands
- Dr Natalia Ruiz Morato, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany
- Dr Lamnganbi Mutum, International Water Management Institute, India
- Dr Giulio Pattanaro, European Research Executive Agency, Brussels, Belgium
- Dr Mirela Sertić Perić, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof Ali Rhouma, PRIMA Foundation, Spain
- Dieter Rothenberger, Cluster Coordinator Water, GIZ, Bonn, Germany
- Dr Shisher Shresta, International Water Management Institute, Nepal
- Dr Ana Sopina, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Dr Octavi Quintana Trias, Director of PRIMA Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
- Cecilia Vey, GIZ, Bonn, Germany
- Dr Tamara Zaninović, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Dr Azin Zarei, UNU-FLORES, Dresden, Germany